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FORMICA is an approach for content brokerage in clinical mathematics. It is developed in a joint project of the INSTRUCT AG and the Medical Hospital at the Downtown Hospitals of the University of Munich. The project is supported by the Merck KG aA, Darmstadt, Germany (EM Pharma).

Information on the FORMOSA data format has been published in the following paper:
Dietrich, J. W., M. F. Holzer und M. R. Fischer (2001). Supporting Medical Mathematics with Scriptable XML: The FORMOSA Language. In: Multimedia in Health Sciences Education. S. S. Stensaas, M. R. Fischer, M. M. Batschkus und J. W. Dietrich (Hrsg). Berlin, Logos: 103-15. [Abstract | full text | Poster | full text (printed)]



The first Alpha Version of FORMICA for Macintosh is in internal test runs.

Formal Definitions for FORMICA and FORMOSA are now available. 

Partial MathML support in FORMOSA 2.0.


instruct AG

Med. Klinik, Klinikum Innenstadt der LMU
Universitaetsklinikum Ulm
Merck KG aA

Merck ThyroLink


© 1999-2005 J. W. Dietrich, INSTRUCT AG, Medizinische Klinik, Klinikum Innenstadt der LMU München and Medizinische Universitätsklinik Ulm
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